Flag Fund Raising

Gary Strike and Pierre DesMarais, former owner of Harvey's and Swiss Chalet, celebrating Flag day, Feb. 15th, 2006, with a Flag signing, creating a Canadian Unity Signature Flag.
(Photo Credit: John Graydon)

Gary Strike has created a number of flags in grocery stores raising money for the local hospital, Food Bank and Salvation Army.  The  fund raising efforts locally were very successful, and people enjoyed creating our Canadian Signature Flag.   It should be noted after each signature flag was created the sponsoring business was able to display the finished flag as an ongoing reminder to customers that we live in a wonderful country.

Mr Strike's goal is to have the Salvation Army or a National Charity, take on the project, and partner with one or more corporations and raise millions for the needy. 


Saint Mary's School in Carleton Place on National Flag Day.  The staff and students enjoyed creating, signing the flag, and were proud to gather with our Canadian Unity Signature Flag.